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May updates

There are not so many innovations for May, but they are.

  1. There are 2 new sections in the user side menu:
    • You saved money. The point indicates how much you saved with us by downloading paid games from us, and not buying them from the market.
    • You have downloaded. The item indicates how much data you have downloaded from the site for all time.
  2. If you were answered in the comments or on the forum, you will receive a notification in the "Inbox" folder. There you can see the original of your post and the reply to it, as well as a "Read More" link to go to the reply (if it's a comment) or the forum thread (if it's a forum reply)
  3. There was authorization via telegram.
  4. There is a site chatbot where you can view news and updates without going to the site itself.
  5. Various minor design updates and improvements in page loading speed have been made.